The latest issue of the AENOR magazine is now available:
- Mark N: confidence in the products: more than 1,500 production centres located in more than 140 countries have the AENOR N mark. Manufacturers, companies, industry and consumers acknowledge the confidence and quality behind the mark.
- Interview / Social Sustainability - Mónica Zalaquett, Minister for Women and Equalities in Chile: the Ministry for Women and Equalities has just been awarded the AENOR certificate, according to the Chilean standard NCh 3262 on gender equality.
- Corporate Governance - What environmental issues should be included in the non-financial information statement? Know the essential environmental topics that should be reported.
- Practical Cases / Agribusiness, Consumption and Distribution - Avinka supports the raising of antibiotic-free farm animals,: in line with their commitment to offering quality products to promote healthy lifestyles.
- Institutional - International projects, a new section in the AENOR website: dedicated to the company's international projects aimed at contributing to developing a culture of trust in international markets.
- Health and Prevention - Over 13,000 centres certified in Best Practices against COVID-19: involving assessment by AENOR of the company's risk management systems and occupational health and safety management system; training, information and communication; organisational and protection measures, as well as Best practices for cleaning and hygiene, among others.
· All the latest from AENOR: news, certificate presentations, training and publications, divided into thematic sections.